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Shooting in Tottenham Hale

Shooting in Tottenham Hale

Shooting in Tottenham Hale

Shooting in Tottenham Hale

Shooting in Tottenham Hale

Mordfall im China Restaurant 'Lin Yue', Sittensen

Mordfall im China Restaurant 'Lin Yue', Sittensen

Mordfall im China Restaurant 'Lin Yue', Sittensen

Mordfall im China Restaurant 'Lin Yue', Sittensen

Untersuchung von Reihern auf Vogelgrippe-Virus, ILAT Berlin

Coretta Scott King Dead at 78

Coretta Scott King Dead at 78

Coretta Scott King Dead at 78

Coretta Scott King Dead at 78

Coretta Scott King Dead at 78

Coretta Scott King Dead at 78

Coretta Scott King Dead at 78

Coretta Scott King Dead at 78

Coretta Scott King Dead at 78

Coretta Scott King Dead at 78

'Fluch der Karibik 2', Orlando BLOOM + Jack DAVENPORT Filmszene

'Fluch der Karibik 2', Keira KNIGHTLEY Filmszene

'Fluch der Karibik 2', Johnny DEPP Filmszene

'Fluch der Karibik 2', Johnny DEPP Filmszene

'Fluch der Karibik 2', Orlando BLOOM Filmszene

'Fluch der Karibik 2', Johnny DEPP und Gore VERBINSKI, Dreharbeiten

'Fluch der Karibik 2', Johnny DEPP Filmszene

'Gidget' Star Sandra Dee Dead at 62

'Gidget' Star Sandra Dee Dead at 62

Funeral of Joyce Doran

Palestinian Leader Arafat Dead at 75


Marlon Brando Dead at 80

Vertrocknete Erde

Vertrockneter Baum

Toter Baum im Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona / USA

Actor Anthony Quinn Dead @ 86

Actor Anthony Quinn Dead @ 86

Robert Badinter new Minister of Justice

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

P.L.O. Chief Is Shot Dead By Arab Militant

Brigitte Ariel will be Piaf

Marlon Brando Dead at 80

Brigitte Ariel will be Piaf

Moon The Loon Is Dead

'Superman' Actor Christopher Reeve Dead at 52

President Ismail Al-Azhari of Sudan is dead

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

Marlon Brando Dead at 80

Marlon Brando Dead at 80

Writer Marcel Ayme is dead

President Ismail Al-Azhari of Sudan is dead

Jean Arp

The artist Jean Arp is dead at Locarno

Fenella FIELDING und Tony CURTIS in einer Drehpause zu 'Arrivederci, Baby!' 1965

Tony CURTIS und Zsa Zsa GABOR, 1965

Tony CURTIS und Zsa Zsa GABOR, 1965

Tony CURTIS und Zsa Zsa GABOR, 1965

Antonio Ascari

Antonio Ascari

Antonio Ascari

Antonio Ascari

Antonio Ascari

Marlon Brando Dead at 80

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