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Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Sibel KEKILLI

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Sven MARTINEK und Xenia SEEBERG

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Roland EMMERICH

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Sven MARTINEK und Xenia SEEBERG

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Caroline BEIL,

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Sibel KEKILLI

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Reiner SCHÖNE

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Roland EMMERICH

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Klaus WOWEREIT und Jörn KUBICKI

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Michaela SCHAFFRATH

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Alexandra NELDEL

Weltpremiere von 'The Day After Tomorrow', Tamara von NAYHAUSS

Flughafen Berlin Schönefeld

Flughafen Berlin Schönefeld

Filmszene 'The Day After Tomorrow'

Filmszene aus 'The Day After Tomorrow'

Filmszene aus 'The Day After Tomorrow'

Filmszene 'The Day After Tomorrow'

Schülerin im Irak

Chinese Celebrate Dragon Festival Despite SARS

Chinese Celebrate Dragon Festival Despite SARS

Chinese Celebrate Dragon Festival Despite SARS

Skateboarding 70's Style

Berlinale 2003 : Daniel DAY-LEWIS

Pierce BROSNAN und Toby STEPHENS in "Die another day"

Autoverfolgungsjagd in dem Film "Die another day"

Toby STEPHENS in dem Film "Die another day"

RICK YUNE im Spielfilm 'Die another Day'

Queen ELIZABETH II. bei der Weltpremiere zum Bond-Film 'Die Another Day'

Halle BERRY bei der Weltpremiere zum Bond-Film 'Die Another Day'

Shirley BASSEY bei der Weltpremiere zum Bond-Film 'Die Another Day'

George LAZENBY und Jemma KIDD bei Weltpremiere zum Bond-Film 'Die Another Day'

MADONNA bei der Weltpremiere zum Bond-Film 'Die Another Day'

Pierce BROSNAN mit Ehefrau bei der Weltpremiere zum Bond-Film 'Die Another Day'

Will Yung LEE bei der Weltpremiere zum Bond-Film 'Die Another Day'

Menschenmenge auf Gibraltar am National Day

Gibraltar Haus mit britschen Flaggen

Christopher Street Day 2002 in Köln

Fourth of July Fire Works Display New York

Fourth of July Fire Works Display New York

Fourth of July Fire Works Display New York

Fourth of July Fire Works Display New York

Fourth of July Fire Works Display New York

Fourth of July Fire Works Display New York

Fourth of July Fire Works Display New York

Fourth of July Fire Works Display New York

Canadian Couple to Attend Queen Elizabeth's Garden Party

Canadian Couple to Attend Queen Elizabeth's Garden Party

International Economic Conference in Montreal

International Economic Conference in Montreal

International Economic Conference in Montreal

Front National Annual Demonstration

Edelgard BULMAHN

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Palestinian Israeli Demonstration In Montreal

Guinness Kontaktlinsen

Guinness Kontaktlinsen

Guinness Kontaktlinsen

Guinness Kontaktlinsen

Pierce BROSNAN im Spielfilm 'Die another Day'

Halle BERRY im Spielfilm 'Die another Day'

Pierce BROSNAN im Spielfilm 'Die another Day'

Halle BERRY im Spielfilm 'Die another Day'

Dr. David SUZUKI


Atomversuch IVY MIKE

CSD Amsterdam

CSD Amsterdam

CSD in Amsterdam

Kinder - Nikolaus

Junge mit Nikolausstiefel

Luftballons vor der Siegessaeule

Junge mit Nikolaus-Stiefel

Mädchen mit Nikolausstiefel

Anthony HOPKINS im Film 'Was vom Tage übrig blieb'

Womans Day March in San Francisco 1992

Arnold SCHWARZENEGGER im Film 'Terminator 2'

Michail GORBATSCHOW und Nikolaj RYZHKOV 1.Mai-Kundgebung in Moskau 1988

Irish Republican Army

Bobby Sands

Bobby Sands

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

Governor H. Carey

Prinz Charles und Lady Diana SPENCER bei ihrer Verlobung, 1989

Freed Iranian Hostages in New York City

Paul GETTY III , Filmszene "The Day the World ended"

Greece re-enters NATO

Stormtroopers in London Park

The day The Locals went to town


Jewellery Fair at Munich

Queen Elizabeth

Unionstag der DFU 1978

Skateboarding 70's Style

Skateboarding 70's Style

Surfing USA

Skateboarding 70's Style

Skateboarding 70's Style

Surfing USA

Skateboarding 70's Style

Allied forces leave France

Nina Simone

Nina Simone's Funeral In Southern France

Nina Simone

Nina Simone's Funeral In Southern France

Nina Simone's Funeral In Southern France

Argentina remembers its National Day

Master of the Military order of Malta in Britain

Mr. Yigal Allon in Paris

Al PACINO in "Hundstage" 1975

Donald SUTHERLAND, Portrait aus 'Der Tag der Heuschrecke' 1975

The Jang Di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia

The Yang Di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia

Irish Republican Army

Irish Republican Army

Irish Republican Army

Edward Kennedy

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