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Italian Premier in Athens

Soccer Star Pele

Cannes Festival

Edward Beattie

Director Roberto Rossellini

Jacqueline Kennedy

Emile Biayenda

The 82 General Meeting of the Bank of Italy

The 82 General Meeting of the Bank of Italy

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

Argentina remembers its National Day

Singer Bob Dylan

Giorgio Almirante

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Peter Frampton

Peter Frampton

Peter Frampton

Heavyweight Richard Dunn

Heavyweight Richard Dunn

'Singin' in the Rain' dancer Donald O'Connor Dies

'Singin' in the Rain' dancer Donald O'Connor Dies

Fred Astaire

Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly

Ethel Kennedy

Pierre BRICE als Winnetou bei den Karl-May-Festspielen

The Social Services Minister Barbara Castle

Prince Charles: The Younger Years

Melina Mercuri

Barry White

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