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Condoleezza RICE, Portrait Berlin 2005

Condoleezza RICE, Portrait Berlin 2005

Condoleezza RICE, Portrait Berlin 2005

Condoleezza RICE, Portrait Berlin 2005

Condoleezza RICE, Portrait Berlin 2005

Condoleezza RICE, Portrait Berlin 2005

Baustelle der neuen US-Botschaft in Berlin

Tom RIDGE und Otto SCHILY, Berlin 2004

Tom RIDGE, Portrait 2004

Tom RIDGE, Portrait 2004

Tom RIDGE, Portrait 2004

Tom RIDGE, Portrait 2004

Tom RIDGE, Portrait 2004

Tom RIDGE, Portrait 2004

Tom RIDGE, Portrait 2004

Bill CLINTON, Portrait 2004

John KERRY und John EDWARDS, Wahlveranstaltung 2004

Nato-Gipfel in Istanbul 2004: Donald RUMSFELD

Nato-Gipfel in Istanbul 2004: George W. BUSH

Nato-Gipfel in Istanbul 2004: Donald RUMSFELD

Nato-Gipfel in Istanbul 2004: Donald RUMSFELD

The Legacy of Brown vs Board of Education

The Legacy of Brown vs Board of Education

The Legacy of Brown vs Board of Education

The Legacy of Brown vs Board of Education

The Legacy of Brown vs Board of Education

The Legacy of Brown vs Board of Education

The Legacy of Brown vs Board of Education

The Legacy of Brown vs Board of Education

John KERRY bei Wahlkampfveranstaltung 2004

John KERRY bei Wahlkampfveranstaltung 2004

Brit Awards 2004, Preisträger Justin TIMBERLAKE

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