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She floats on air

Prince Charles Get's His 'Wings'

Hippies, Glastonbury Festival

Hippies, Glastonbury Festival

Die drei Attentäter vom 'Attentat in Kloten'

Hippies bei einem Konzert, 1969

Neil ARMSTRONG mit Testflugzeug 'X-15', 1969

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

Ruth Andersson

Ruth Andersson

Ruth Andersson

Ruth Andersson

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

Ceremony for General Ailleret and his companions

General Ailleret died on air accident

General Ailleret air accident

French Chief staff killed in air accident

Historical HAITI

Dakota Ngapali Air Field

US - Kampfflugzeug über Nordvietnam

Dakota take off

Fokker-27 der UBA

A French heading a NATO organization

US Third Air Force ceremony in Northolt

Astronaut John Glenn

Vietnamkrieg: Verwundetentransport

Vietnamkrieg: Sanitätshubschrabuer im Einsatz

OLYMPICS Tokyo 1964

Die Beatles in Bel-Air

Mrs. Banaranaike in London for conference

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