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Flutkatastrophe 1962 in Hamburg, Versorgung der Hochwassergeschädigten

Flutkatastrophe Hamburg 1962, Feuerwehrmann rettet Frau

Aufräumen nach der Sturmflut in Hamburg, ca. 18.02.1962

Flutkatastrophe in Hamburg , 17.02.1962

Sturmflut in Hamburg, überschwemmte Straße

Sturmflut in Hamburg, ca. 18.02.1962

Sturmflut in Hamburg, 17.02.1962

Sturmflut in Hamburg, ca. 18.02.1962

Sturmflut in Hamburg, 1962

Flut in Hamburg, 1962 , Frau auf Hausdach

Sturmflut in Hamburg, 1962

Sturmflut in Hamburg 1962

Sturmflut in Hamburg 1962

Flut in Hamburg, überschwemmte Strasse

Sturmflut in Hamburg, 1962

Sturmflut in Hamburg 1962

Sturmflut in Hamburg, 17.02.1962

Sturmflut in Hamburg, ca. 18.02.1962

Flutkatastrophe in Hamburg, Luftbild

Flutkatastrophe Hamburg 1962 - Eisbahn in Planten un Blomen als Leichenhalle

Flutkatastrophe Hamburg 1962 - Eisbahn in Planten un Blomen als Leichenhalle

Erdbeben in Japan 1968

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1961 Floods in Central France

Flugzeugkatastrophe in München

Flugzeugkatastrophe in München 1960

Flugzeugkatastrophe in München 1960

Flugzeugkatastrophe in München 1960

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1960 Floods in England

NATURAL DISASTER: 1960 Floods in England

NATURAL DISASTER: 1960 Floods in England

Tsunami in Japan

Tsunami in Japan

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1960 Tsunami in Chile

Erdbeben in Agadir, Deutsches Zelt-Krankenhaus 1960

Erdbeben in Agadir, Ankunft von Roswitha STORM in Hamburg 1960

Erdbeben in Agadir, Medizinische Hilfe im deutschen Zelt-Krankenhaus 1960

Staudammbruch bei Frejus

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1959 Dam Collapse in France

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1959 Dam Collapse in France

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1958 Floods in Burma

NATURAL DISASTERS: Volcano Eruption in Italy

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1958 Seine River Floods in Paris

Flugzeugunglück in München-Riem

Flugzeugabsturz bei München-Riem

'Pamir' auf hoher See


Überlebende der 'Andrea Doria', 1956

Überlebende des 'Andrea Doria' Unglücks in New-York

Untergang der Andrea Doria, 1956

Untergang der Andrea Doria, Überlebende in einem Rettungsboot

Untergang der Andrea Doria

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1955 Floods in Greece

Katastrophe beim Autorennen in Le Mans 1955

Eisenbahnunglück Belgien, Löwen , 1954

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1954 Floods in England

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1954 Earthquake in Algeria

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1954 Earthquake in Algeria

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1954 Earthquake in Algeria

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1954 Earthquake in Central Greece

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

Flut in Holland , Deicharbeiten , 1953

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

Flut in Holland , überschwemmte Häuser , 1953

NATIONAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the Netherlands

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

Flut in England , Deicharbeiten , 1953

NATIONAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

NATIONAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

Flutkatastrophe in den Niederlanden

Andrea Doria, 1952

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1952 Typhoon in Indo-Chinese Coast

Untergang der 'Flying Enterprise'

Wrack der 'Ormen Friske', 1950

Gemüseanbau vor dem Reichstag 1947

Nachkriegszeit, abgeholzter Tiergarten, Berlin

Trümmerfrauen in Dresden

Bombenschäden in Kiel

Trümmerfrauen in München, 1945

Zerstörtes Danzig, ca. 1945

Plünderungen in Hannover

Plünderungen in Hannover

Luftangriff auf Dresden

Zerbombtes Köln, 1942

Absturz von Rudolf HEß

Zerstoerte Kathedrale von Coventry


Hans FREUND nach der Explossion des Zeppelins LZ 129 "Hindenburg"

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Erdbeben in Japan, 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

Great Kanto Earthquake 1923

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