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NATURAL DISASTERS: 1959 Dam Collapse in France

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1958 Floods in Burma

NATURAL DISASTERS: Volcano Eruption in Italy

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1958 Seine River Floods in Paris

Flugzeugunglück in München-Riem

Flugzeugabsturz bei München-Riem

'Pamir' auf hoher See


Überlebende der 'Andrea Doria', 1956

Überlebende des 'Andrea Doria' Unglücks in New-York

Rettungskräfte bergen eine Überlebende der 'Andrea Doria'

Untergang der Andrea Doria, 1956

Untergang der Andrea Doria, Überlebende in einem Rettungsboot

Untergang der Andrea Doria

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1955 Floods in Greece

Brennendes Rennwagenwrack, Le Mans

Katastrophe beim Autorennen in Le Mans 1955

'Pamir' auf hoher See

Eisenbahnunglück Belgien, Löwen , 1954

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1954 Floods in England

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1954 Earthquake in Algeria

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1954 Earthquake in Algeria

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1954 Earthquake in Algeria

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1954 Earthquake in Central Greece

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

Flut in Holland , Deicharbeiten , 1953

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

Flut in Holland , überschwemmte Häuser , 1953

NATIONAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the Netherlands

NATURAL DISASTERS: 1953 Floods in the East Coast of England

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