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The Legacy of Brown vs Board of Education

China: Criticism Over SARS Cause's Govt Shake Up

China: Criticism Over SARS Cause's Govt Shake Up

In Algerien vermisste Motorrad-Touristen

US F-15 im Sonnenaufgang

Justice Ministers Meeting in Mt-Tremblant

Justice Ministers Meeting in Mt-Tremblant

Justice Ministers Meeting in Mt-Tremblant

Justice Ministers Meeting in Mt-Tremblant

Chuck NORRIS und Michael BOLTON


Chuck NORRIS mit Frau

Ed BEGLEY Jr. mit Weihnachtsmann

Buddhistischer Moench im Tempel

Bette DAVIS bei ihrer Buchvorstellung 'This'n That' 1987

Jack LEMMON und Julie ANDREWS in 'That's life', 1986

Julie ANDREWS in "That's Life! - So ist das Leben"

'Places in the Heart' Movie Stills

Linda Blair

Irish War of Independence

Ronald Reagan White House Ceremony

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

Terrorists of the World: A Retrosepctive

Brighton Scout Band

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