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Berlinale 2009: Photo Call 'The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee', Rebecca MILLER

Berlinale 2009: Photo Call 'The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee', Rebecca MILLER

Berlinale 2009: Weltpremiere 'The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee', Blake LIVELY

Berlinale 2009: Weltpremiere 'The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee', Zoe KARAN

Berlinale 2009: Photo Call 'The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee', Zoe KARAN

Berlinale 2009: Photo Call 'The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee', Blake LIVELY

Berlinale 2009: Photo Call 'The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee', Zoe KARAN

Berlinale 2009: Weltpremiere 'The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee', Rebecca MILLER

Berlinale 2009: Photo Call 'The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee', Cast

Berlinale 2009: Deutschlandpremiere 'Der Vorleser'

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Kate HUDSON, Anne HATHAWAY

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Kate HUDSON

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Kate HUDSON, Anne HATHAWAY

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Kate HUDSON

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Kate HUDSON

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Kate HUDSON

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Kate HUDSON

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Anne HATHAWAY

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Anne HATHAWAY

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Kate HUDSON, Anne HATHAWAY

Photo Call 'Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen', Kate HUDSON, Anne HATHAWAY


'The Day the Earth Stood Still' New York Premiere, Kathy BATES

Filmpremiere von 'Australia' in London, Nicole KIDMAN und Hugh JACKMAN

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