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Motiv:Dana Andrews arrives in London
Beschreibung:5570599 (9053) Oct 18, 1956; London, UK; Hollywood film actor DANA ANDREWS arrived in London today to make a film called 'The Haunted' at Elstree. Mr. Andrews has been married 17 years and has three children. The picture shows a kiss from Dana for 93 year old Dr. MARGARET A. MURRAY of Bloomsbury. London, an archeologist, whose hobby is studying witchcraft and black magic, who will give advice to Dana in his new film which is based on these subjects. They met at a reception at the Dorchester Hotel this evening. [SPERRVERMERKE BEACHTEN | PLEASE CHECK RESTRICTIONS! Nutzung nur mit Genehmigung und gegen Honorar, Beleg, Namensnennung und zu unseren AGB. Nur zur redaktionellen Verwendung. Honorare an: KEYSTONE Pressedienst,] (©) Copyright 1956 by KPA
Credit:KPA/Zuma / Keystone
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