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Motiv:Shirley Bassey
Beschreibung:5571130 (9053) Mar 15, 1959; London, UK; Singer SHIRLEY BASSEY took delivery of the 4,500 Pounds Chevrolet Corvette car, which she has bought. The car is capable of speeds up to 150 miles an hour, and being an avoid picknicker, Shirley has had the car equipped with this hobby in mind. The boot contains a television set and electric tea maker. It is Shirley's intention to enter the vehicle, and drive it herself in the next Monte Carlo Rally. [SPERRVERMERKE BEACHTEN | PLEASE CHECK RESTRICTIONS! Nutzung nur mit Genehmigung und gegen Honorar, Beleg, Namensnennung und zu unseren AGB. Nur zur redaktionellen Verwendung. Honorare an: KEYSTONE Pressedienst,] (©) Copyright 1959 by KPA
Land:Großbritannien , Grossbritannien , Great Britain , GBR
Credit:KPA/Zuma / Keystone
Spezielle Hinweise:GERMANY ONLY! For other countries call! No third party sales! Kein Weiterverkauf über Partneragenturen!
Bildgröße (in Pixel):4463 X 3525
max. Druckgröße (cm/300dpi):37,79 x 29,84

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