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Motiv:Argentina remembers its National Day
Beschreibung:5575892 (9053) May 25, 1976; Buenos Aires, Argentina; The '25 de Mayo' was celebrated for the first time since the fall of the peronist regime. It remembers the day when in 1820 Argentina had its first own government after it was a colony. Actually Argentina is governed by democratic military junta and the heads of the government assisted the main celebrations at Plaza de Mayo. Here are the three main members of the Junta Militar leaving Casa Rosada to the Cathedral; President JORGE VIDELA (C), Navy Commander EDUARDO MASSERA and Commander ORLANDO RAMON AGOSTI. , [SPERRVERMERKE BEACHTEN | PLEASE CHECK RESTRICTIONS! Nutzung nur mit Genehmigung und gegen Honorar, Beleg, Namensnennung und zu unseren AGB. Nur zur redaktionellen Verwendung. Honorare an: KEYSTONE Pressedienst,](©) Copyright 1976 by KPA
Stadt:Buenos Aires
Credit:KPA/Zuma / Keystone
Spezielle Hinweise:GERMANY ONLY! For other countries call! No third party sales! Kein Weiterverkauf über Partneragenturen!
Bildgröße (in Pixel):3218 X 4950
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