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Motiv:Louis Aragon
Beschreibung:5576402 (9053) Jun 17, 1980; Paris, France; LOUIS ARAGON, poet, novelist, and essayist, a founder of Surrealism with AndrŽ Breton, and Luis Bu–uel among others. Aragon's work reflects the principal trends of thought of the 20th century - he was also a political activist and spokesman for communism. His influence on the theory of the novel and on poetic theory has been considerable. Louis Aragon was born in Paris in the fashionable sixteenth arrondissement, where his family ran a pension. This picture shows a portrait of Aragon on his 83s. , [SPERRVERMERKE BEACHTEN | PLEASE CHECK RESTRICTIONS! Nutzung nur mit Genehmigung und gegen Honorar, Beleg, Namensnennung und zu unseren AGB. Nur zur redaktionellen Verwendung. Honorare an: KEYSTONE Pressedienst,](©) Copyright 1980 by KPA
Credit:KPA/Zuma / Keystone
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